Free crypto wallet tracker

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Pros and Cons of Koinly Pros: Easy API integration for real-time tracking Supports various accounting methods and covers over countries Offers cryptocurrency portfolio tracking and analytics Can integrate with popular tax software Import data from CSV and Excel files Compatible with all popular DeFi protocols and can automatically import NFT trades for EVM-based blockchains Cons: Report generation requires payment Tax-loss harvesting capabilities may fall short compared to competitors Less popular blockchains may require the manual addition of NFT trades 5. Pros and Cons of Coingecko Pros : Free to use with no hidden fees Intuitive user interface Real-time price tracking for over 10, cryptocurrencies A comprehensive range of tools and features, including price alerts and a customizable watchlist Advanced analytics and historical charts Cons: Only manual portfolio management app No auto-importing transactions and syncing exchanges Crypto address tracking is not available 7. Visit MetaTracker. Calculate Your Crypto Taxes No credit card needed.