Microsoft buying bitcoin

microsoft buying bitcoin

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In recent years, Microsoft has not only continued to accept Bitcoin as a payment option but has also started experimenting with blockchain. Crypto and the Microsoft mastermind: Is Bill Gates invested in Bitcoin? This trading bot buys stocks bought by US politicians; Here's how it's. According to a press release issued, the deal will involve a transaction of $ billion, the biggest purchase of this kind made by the company.
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As cryptocurrencies become more widely adopted around the world and blockchain is touted as one of the most important technological achievements of the 21st century, many people wonder if Bill Gates, the co-founder of the American technology mammoth Microsoft NASDAQ: MSFT , has already jumped on the crypto train. Curiously, despite being one of the most famous ambassadors of technological advancement, Gates still remains very skeptical � if not outright disapproving � about the crypto industry , primarily concerned about volatility and the use of crypto in illegal activities. Does anyone know how I can purchase something on Microsoft with bitcoin.