Why does it take kucoin so long to process withdrawl

why does it take kucoin so long to process withdrawl

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KuCoin In Danger - Should You Withdraw Your Funds ? ??
The withdrawal process on Binance and KuCoin cryptocurrency exchanges may take longer for a few different reasons. One reason could be that. coincollectingalbum.com � crypto � kucoin-withdrawal-guide. KuCoin typically processes withdrawal requests within 30 minutes. (2) Processing: KuCoin is processing the withdrawal. This may take hours. (3).
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Bitcoin BTC. Step 3 - Verify your account Once you've set up your account on Kraken, the next step is to complete the account verification process. However, there is an easy way to get your money out, using another exchange, for example Kraken. Step 1: Choose a crypto exchange.