Largest decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges by volume

largest decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges by volume

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Top 5 BEST Crypto Exchanges in 2023: Are They SAFE?!
1. Uniswap � 2. PancakeSwap � 3. Curve Finance � 4. SushiSwap � 5. DODO. The first on the list of the best decentralized exchanges is Uniswap � Ethereum's first and largest DEX. Uniswap is a strong choice for. The decentralized exchange, which last year moved over to the Cosmos blockchain, just saw $ million of volume over a hour period.
Comment on: Largest decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges by volume
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OKX Centralized Exchange. Uniswap V2 Decentralized Exchange. This DEX's success is reflected in its overall control of the market's trading volume. This includes both the most-popular centralized platforms, as well as the decentralized exchanges, too. Uniswap V3.